Surf - Brendon Gibbens

Un jeune talent d'Afrique du Sud

- @oceansurfreport -

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Découvrez le dernier talent de l’Afrique du Sud : Brendon Gibbens de Kommetjie à Cape Town. À 22 ans, Brendon partage son temps entre le surf à la maison et les voyages autour du globe.

Une majeure partie de la vidéo a été filmée à Cape Town et dans les alentours. La fin du clip a été tournée en Australie où Brendon a pu surfer en compagnie de Dane Reynolds et Craig Anderson. Il se trouve actuellement dans le sud de la France pour tourner son prochain clip « What Youth ».

South Africa’s latest export of surf talent, 22-year-old Brendon Gibbens of Kommetjie in Cape Town, has been splitting his time between surfing at home and traveling the globe to promote his status as a young professional.

His newest clip is a great snapshot of this lifestyle. Much of the footage you see is filmed in and around Cape Town, where Brendon has the surf spots very well dialed in. The end of the clip features some surfing Brendon did in Australia, where he road-tripped with Dane Reynolds and Craig Anderson, two surfers who have blazed the very same “professional free-surfer” trail that Brendon is trying to follow as we speak. Brendon is currently in the south of France filming for a “What Youth” exclusive project, and he has another trip to Iceland planned after that. Brendon has been raking in those frequent flyer miles this summer, and we’re not just talking about his airs.

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