Surf - Session sur la Sunshine Coast

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Retour sur la Sunshine Coast entre le 28 et le 29 juin où les vagues ont donné un bon dragage de sable et quelques barrels à la chaine pour une session épic avec Keahi De Aboitiz (le numéro 1 mondial en kite), Dean Brady, Ryan Campbell et Luke Jory !

Bien que la Sunshine Coast soit un peu plus au nord et que les reports de sessions soient un peu moins présents sur le web, impossible de passer à côté de celle-ci ! Des gauches et des droites qui drainent pas mal, de quoi prouver qu'il y a bien plus que la côte de Brisbane dans le Queensland pour surfer de bonnes petites vagues !


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Over the past 2 days (28-29/6/2012) the Sunshine Coast has produced sand dredging, Kirra like, freight train barrels. And also some epic surfing from the likes of Keahi De Aboitiz (World #1 Kite Surfer), Dean Brady, Ryan Campbell and Luke Jory.


In the words of Keahi: "It wasn't as perfect as the last swell that everybody raved about, but it was definitely chunkier and more challenging in the tube". To put my few words in if i may: "Keahi went freakn mental on that SUP and is lucky he doesn't have the awe permanently wedged up his bunghole. Ha".


There's been videos and photos all over the web of the epic waves on offer during the last good swell on the Gold Coast. But although the Sunshine Coast is just a little ways up north, the surf-web output from the northern cousins has been much quieter this week ... until now. It only takes three or four minutes of killer video footage of perfect left and right draining barrels somewhere on the Sunny Coast to remind us all that there's much more to surfing in Queensland than just on the coast south of Brisbane...


Sand banks come and go but the last couple of swells have not been wasted as world class slabs have been had by many local chargers. Although many would have loved to have surfed the Kirra like slabs as seen below, sand banks don't hang around forever. As the proverb goes: "To the victors went the spoils ~ William Learned Marcy".



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